When Murder Is Justified

05/06/2003 - 3:52 PM

This will be a quick one...work's been crazy, and then I'm off to a housewarming party after work.

Drama continues with CW...turns out my confidences to him about my sex life with Matt were fair game for him to share with TW on Sunday. I'm going to 1) beat the boy silly if he does it again; 2) be careful what I share; 3) kidnap Matt and move away to some remote mountain hideaway; 4) all of the above. It could happen...

Speaking of TW, the air is completely cleared, and we're having dinner on Wednesday, followed by going to the Governor Dean Meetup (see bottom of page). Turns out a lot of the confusion was, for once, not on my end, and that he basically overreacted to a few things CW and BT had said over the past week. That's a HUGE relief off of me; especially since I didn't think I was in the wrong on it, but couldn't say that with 100% certainty. It's just in my nature to take blame when there are misunderstandings (note to self...STOP!).

Work has been very hectic today, but I'm surviving. Being in an office with 30 people has a different dynamic than one with 7, but I'm working through it.

My brain is pretty fried at the moment, so I'm going to sign off and attempt to wrap things up. CW is coming by the office at 5 to head out to dinner with Matt.

What I'm Listening To: Rude Boys - Written All Over Your Face

First Word That Comes To Mind: tired

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
