When Like Becomes More Than Like

05/04/2003 - 4:17 PM

I've been putting this entry off for two days, and then I tried to get it in this morning, but it just didn't work out. So here goes nothing...

When I set out to do this diary, one of the main reasons was to work through some of the bigger issues in my life, which I have a tendency to bury in my sub-conscious and not face. At least if I'm typing them out, I have to think about them, and then the progress starts. Although most of you don't know me, I still go through the motions of "keeping up appearances" (and I don't mean the TV show, either). MC is so unlike that...he's extremely comfortable in his skin, his soul, his life, and that's more attractive to me than just about any other personal or physical trait could be. And on top of that, he likes me, too.

This idea of comfort got put to the test this weekend because of a revelation I had to make to him. I came home with a souvenir from Cleveland that I hadn't planned on, courtesy of the inadequate cleaning staff at the Holiday Inn Express. Telling him I had given him crabs was not cool at all, but had to be done. While I thought the worst and was afraid he'd think I'd cheated on him, he completely understood (it happened to him a few years ago), and we spent early Saturday evening doing the treatment to get rid of the pests together, and it was basically a non-issue. *phew*

So here's what I'm learning...

1. Trust - I need to trust MC to accept me for who I am, not what I think he wants me to be.

2. Relax - Stop worrying about what people think, and just live my life the best way I know how.

3. Enjoy - Life is too short, indeed. And I am definitely enjoying life right now.

So as a sign of my seriousness, I'd like to introduce you to Matt, not MC. The other names in my life will remain initials (to protect the guilty and innocent alike), but if I'm going to use the first names of the men that I've been in serious relationships with (David and Steve), it's about time to add Matt to that list. I know it's only been six weeks, but it's clear to me that things are developing faster than either of us expected.

And I like it...

What I'm Listening To: Dixie Chicks - Home

First Word That Comes To Mind: Evolve

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
