You Betta Recognize!

05/01/2003 - 1:08 PM

Today's the last day at the old position, and it seems really anti-climactic. I'm not the type of person to expect a ticker-tape parade, but when you've worked in a tight-knit office for over a year, you'd at least hope for a little acknowledgement that you'll be missed. Other than questions about the new position, I haven't heard a peep. Kind of disappointing, I guess. The folks from finance in Denver that I work with didn't really acknowledge it, either. Guess it is kind of awkward; especially since I'm still working for the same company, but I would have done something for someone in the same position. It's all good, though...

Just had my last lunch with MC and JG, and had a good time, as always. Sunday will be six weeks with MC, and I haven't run yet. That's a very good sign for me, since usually I will find a good reason to leave by this point. He's just so much different than the usual guys I date. I really enjoy the balance of commonality and varied interests between the two of us, too. We both have VERY similar tastes in food, and like a lot of the same activities.

Unfortunately, there IS one thing missing. For one reason or another, we are NOT matching up timewise for "naked intimacy". Either we've got opposite timed schedules, or we are too whooped to do anything by the time bedtime rolls around. I'm just aobut to the point where I'm going to invite him away to a hotel for a night, away from everything and everyone. I do love waking up next to him, though. One more thing we're very compatible in.

Tonight is cleaning around the's been SO long! And then sleep...mmmmmmmm...

What I'm Listening To: Ms Dynamite - A Little Deeper

First Word That Comes To Mind: Missed

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
