I Went Back To Ohio...

04/16/2003 - 2:11 PM

So much flux, so little time...

Interview yesterday went REALLY well. I got a call from the woman I'd be replacing this morning, and she said that her boss thought I was by far the most qualified for the job. Now the waiting begins...probably won't hear for sure until the beginning of next week, but tomorrow would be much better for my sanity.

CW is still struggling with what to do career-wise, and it's driving me a bit batty at the moment. I want to help, but ultimately, he has to make the decisions himself. All I can do is encourage him to look at the options and make the decision he's most comfortable with. Unfortunately, he has a strong aversion toward conflict, and wants to avoid a confrontation at all costs. To that I say, just quit. His job is making him miserable, partially because of the extensive travel, and partially because they're screwing him over in the pay department. His skill set is very much in demand, and he can ask for much more money than he's making, so I'm hoping he pursues the independent contractor route, but who knows what he'll decide to do. It'll change a few times before he makes a final decision.

Just found out I'm flying to Ohio next weekend for work...helping out with a trade show. The sales manager I'll be working with is a trip, and we get along pretty well. He's from Atlanta, but we never met when I lived there. I actually got outed to a lot of co-workers because of him, though not in a bad way. He was in town for meetings and the Xmas party the first year I worked here, and I took him out to the gay country bar here afterward. Word got around that we went to his hotel after the fact (which we didn't), and it was all downhill from there. Pretty comical, actually. Several people had suspected, but no one would come out and ask, so I left 'em hanging until they did. It's such a relief to work somewhere that I can be out without worrying about retribution.

Alright...time to plan my trip to OH, and then head out to the p/t job tonight. Catch y'all later.

What I'm Listening To: Justin Timberlake - Like I Love You

First Word That Comes To Mind: Travel

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
