I'm Falling...

04/14/2003 - 4:26 PM

Meeting MC was not love at first sight. There were no stirrings of any long-term longing the day we had Sunday brunch, as well as the next couple of times that we met for lunch or dinner. However, what WAS there was a truly fascinating and deep and sweet and intelligent and spiritual and adorable and humorous and caring person who I wanted to know more. Fortunately for me, he's allowing me just that, and I feel rather fortunate.

Yeah...it's happening.

We've spent a decent amount of the afternoon IM'ing back and forth about God and religion and what we believe, and it's been pretty fascinating. At first, I got a little concerned. He believes in the whole idea of Christianity, and a religion that revolves around the lessons of Christ, and I have a problem with that. I believe that Christ lived his life on a higher plane that most of us will never reach, but I don't like some of what has been done "in his name", so I have my bias. Having said that, I know I write off some of the more positive aspects because of that. Is it easier to just start from scratch and make it up as you go along? You would think that at first, but it isn't.

I'm rambling...just like MC thought he was doing during our conversation. But there is a purpose to this. For the first time in a LONG time, there is someone that I'm thinking about in the middle of the day, or driving home from work, or while I'm watching TV. More importantly, I've found someone that I'm attracted to physically, intellectually AND spiritually, and it's got me all wound up. To quote Eugene Levy, "the cool points out the window, and I'm twisted up in the game".

I'm falling...

What I'm Listening To: Lamya - Empires

First Word That Comes To Mind: Relief

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
