Please Don't Let This Entry Crash...

04/01/2003 - 12:10 AM

Late night entry...just got home from the p/t job, and I'm pretty beat, but also too wound up to go to sleep quite yet. So you get a new entry because of this.

Two birthdays on my mind at the grandfather turned 87 today, and ChiefJohn is somewhere in the neighborhood of 29 tomorrow. Talked to Grandpa today, and he sounded like he was in good spirits, even though he had to have his two front teeth pulled out (one was cracked beyond repair, and the other one was being affected by it). Mom was actually getting ready to leave when I called, so the timing was perfect.

We spend much of our phone conversations literally talking about the weather, which fascinates us both. They've had an above average winter this year, but nothing like they had a few years ago, when they topped out just shy of 200 inches. For once, I had the fish tale to share about our blizzard two weeks ago, and it seems as if my mom's been keeping him up-to-date as well. I had to go to the p/t job, but 10 minutes with him is better than none. I need to call back this weekend...

As for the Chief, birthdays tend to be a celebration of a not-so-certain number. With respect to his memory, I'd say even he has possibly lost track of the exact number, but with a little effort, I'm sure it could be triangulated. Having said that, who cares? The only reason I still mention it is that he had me SO well fooled a few years ago, but at a birthday party in Rochester, he slipped up and gave a different age to one person, and we had mentioned it in passing to each other. When confronted, he acted like we were the insane ones, and asked for another drink. Slick, eh?

Had lunch with MC today, and it was cool. Really enjoying the slow and easy pace this is taking, and I gather he is, too. We have begun to make "first base" jokes (which we have not even made it to after four dates), but I think that may not be too far away now. He's got a great sense of humor, very intelligent, and he's got this boyish-man look to him that I find very attractive. We've got a definite date to watch the NCAA tournament on Sat night, but I think we'll see each other one more time before that.

Wed night is the Gov Dean meeting here in Denver, as well as all over the country. Really want to see what type of people show up for this, as well as what they have to say. Talked to a couple of people at work about it this afternoon, and may have gotten one person interested in volunteering. I feel a little bit like a salesman, but I suppose desperate times call for selling measures.

Alright�think I�m finally winding down here. Catch y�all tomorrow�

What I'm Listening To: Long Time Gone - Dixie Chicks

First Word That Comes To Mind: Busy

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
