The Week That Was

03/29/2003 - 1:36 PM

"What happened to RockyMtRangr? He used to be so dedicated to this diary, and then he just let it go to hell. Pity..."

Okay, so I don't know about comments like THAT, but even I have been concerned. Traveling without a laptop is not conducive to keeping this log going...maybe an xmas gift to myself this year? It could happen. Anyway, it's been a busy week. Two days in Ft Laud for work, and CW being in town for two days has given me a lot to talk about, but does not allow for much sleep.

MC and I met for lunch on Monday afternoon, and things continue to go well. I actually talked to him on the phone while I was in Ft Laud as well, and that boy can talk the paint off a wall if he wants to, I'm betting. Good guy, though. Maybe he was nervous...who knows. We're meeting for dinner tonight after I work the p/t job this afternoon.

The work trip itself was pretty interesting...two days of counting product in a humid warehouse, boxing it up, and transporting it to a slightly less humid warehouse. Two days of that, I was BEYOND whooped. I was a one-man transport time, driving a minivan around in 80+ degree weather. Really didn't need to work out while I was down there, actually.

Hotel was on Ft Laud Beach, and I had an awesome view of the ocean and A1A. Actually had some time on Wed to walk down the beach in the middle of the day, and enjoy the scenery. Being spring break, there were some very hot men, but almost all of them were under 22. Nothing wrong with looking, though. As for the date I had set up Tues night, it went well, but nothing major. Good guy...I'm sure we'll stay in touch.

Margaret Cho last night was AMAZING...probably the best show that I've seen of hers. Much more cohesive than the last tours...and war was a major part of it, too. Thankfully, someone else is saying the same things I've been thinking all along. She was just as crudely funny as ever, but everything really tied together for me... much more impact for me personally, too. She's fearless, and I admire that more than anything else.

Gotta get going to the p/t job...will write more tomorrow...

What I'm Listening To: Party 93.1 - South Florida's Pure Dance Channel

First Word That Comes To Mind: Catch-up

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
