"A Team Is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts..."

02/22/2003 - 11:39 AM

Worked in the Denver office yesterday, so I didn't get to make an entry, although I don't know what I would have been entering. We actually had a great day at work, as we honored our president with an honor for all his hard work in creating a team environment within our company. He arrived a few months before I did, and from what I understand, there was no cooperation within the company. Our two offices now are so much more cohesive, and definitely focused. I'm extremely proud and honored to work on the same team with this man, who embraces every day of his life with a joy and anticipation that I hope I have half of.

Driving up to Greeley today to see SB and hang for a while. On the way up, I'm planning to hit the outlet mall, just to see what kind of damage that I can do. I need to enjoy this last day off, as my marathon p/t job schedule kicks in tomorrow evening. Nine events in eight days, and I think I'm going to be working 8 of the 9. Good for the money, bad for the sleep.

I have a feeling that I'm going to have a long talk with SB about the way his life is going, but it needs to come out without being too preachy. He recently had a restraining order placed on him by a jealous ex for stupid reasons, and he could have fought it if he'd just read the subpoena and showed up when he was supposed to. Instead, now he's got a four-year order that basically makes him question everywhere he goes in town, in case the ex is there. He needs to start acting like an adult, especially since he's got a 12-year-old daughter that looks like she's going to head in the "hellion" direction. I'm really concerned...

What I'm Listening To: Brian McKnight - Don't Waste Your Time

First Word That Comes To Mind: Living

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
