The REST of the Story

02/18/2003 - 7:27 PM

I accidentally hit return and finished the entry without going into Monday's events, so here goes...

The fridge showed up about 10 am on Monday, and it's a beauty. Gotta love that stainless steel stuff! As the movers were bringing in the fridge, another moving truck showed up with my new neighbor's furniture. I have no idea who it is, although I saw a good-looking college guy on the stairs last week, and maybe I'll be lucky to have someone else in the building who doesn't have four kids.

Went to lunch at a down-home Southern cooking diner called Tom's Home Cookin'. The two guys that own the place are a couple, and really nice. Tom's mom actually has a place in Atlanta that I used to go to before I moved out here, and it was just by luck that I had mentioned I was coming out here, so they told me about Tom's. Since they're only open for lunch, I have to get there on a day off, but the food never disappoints. For those of you who wondering, I had the BBQ pork, cheesy potatoes, green beans, and jalepeno cornbread. I also got a side of peach cobbler to take home with me, and I ALWAYS get sweet least two cups.

Ran some errands the rest of the day, including restocking the fridge at Costco, and got to bed around 9:30 or so. I actually got a full 8 hours of sleep...miracles never cease!

Today was just work, including an afternoon filled with meetings. Left about 5, and then came home and chatted online for a little bit. Exciting life, huh? Actually, at the moment, I'm hanging out, waiting to see if JG calls to meet up this evening, but I'm not holding my breath. So looks like another good night's sleep!

What I'm Listening To: Praying for Daylight - Rascal Flatts

First Word That Comes To Mind: Goofy

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
