Deep as the Ocean

02/13/2003 - 10:16 PM

I just wrote in someone's notes, "some people believe in a 'sign from God'. I believe in an event that makes us realize what we already know." Ever wonder how the prodigy picks up a violin and plays like men 10 times his age? Or how some people just have "the gift" in being able to know exactly what's going through someone's mind? How else can you explain it other than saying that "it's already there"?

Too often these days, I come across people who live by thinking that whatever happens will happen, and I believe this, but to a degree. Folks like to "leave things in the hands of God", but truthfully, if you believe in a higher power, can even a being of that level watch us all simultaneously? Or is it possible that we already have whatever we need to handle a situation, courtesy of that higher power? We are destined to be what we end up being, which basically translates as "no choice is a bad choice". So we make our choices, deal with them, and then hopefully learn from them. Pretty cool system, isn't it?

It's the day before Valentine's Day, and for once, I'm not bemoaning the fact that I don't have a bf for the occasion. My life at the moment is a pretty busy place to be, and while it would be great to have someone special to share all of this excitement with, it actually seems pretty easy to not worry about that. I've always tended to find relationships when I haven't been looking, but intentionally not looking because of that precedent might as well be "looking". Ain't it a vicious circle?

The last two days have seen life slow down significantly. Work, and then come home and just be me with me. No p/t job, no running around, meeting up with friends. Just spending time with me. Hot bath, a little online chatting, some tv, playing with Ashton, and even a little cleaning. Go's bound to happen. I'm feeling much more like myself than I have in a few weeks.

Meeting up with TW for dinner tonight, followed by a Lacrosse game, and then the Chris Cagle concert. Should be a great night, especially since I got my pass to meet Chris in the mail today. I promise that if I get a pic taken with him, I'll post it. If I don't drool over it, first!

Good night, sleep tight...don't let the bedbugs bite!

What I'm Listening To:

First Word That Comes To Mind:

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
