Don't Let Your Meat Go To Waste

02/04/2003 - 9:26 AM

Can we please have a moment of silence for my refrigerator?

*crickets chirping*


Forget 2003 being the Year of the Goat. As far as I'm concerned, it's become the Year of the Debt. Just got the call that the financing is clear, so hopefully I can get the corpse taken care of as quickly as possible. My first order of business, though, is to find a home for my food. I have a tendency to stock up on meats and thaw as I need them, so I've got a good amount of money tied up in the freezer.

DP came over last night to help me set up the dining room set. I always enjoy hanging out with him, so it was good to see him last night. Turns out he hasn't been as busy as I thought, but I didn't really get to the heart of the "why I haven't called" deal. Figured he'd go into detail if he felt the need. At least all of my furniture is now in place...just in time for even MORE new purchases to be brought in! Woo hoo!

I got a call yesterday from the p/t job, asking me if I would like to be promoted into a mgmt position a few times a month. How sweet is THAT? Some extra money just in the nick of time. It will probably only be twice a month, and then I'll keep doing the regular job the rest of the time.

I've neglected to share one little detail on the appliance connection...the friend that is helping me out is actually an FWB (friend with benefits). The rough part of this is that I think he's starting to look for more than just FWB, but that's not really what I'm looking for here. Am I just being cheap or manipulative by letting him (TT, for reference) help me out with my dilemma? My tendency right now is to say no, since he offered a few weeks ago without any prompting. Either way, I feel obligated to pay him back for his kindness. And the payment in this case really isn't all that taxing on me...

What I'm Listening To:

First Word That Comes To Mind:

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
