What's That In Your Eye?

01/30/2003 - 9:13 AM

Busy day today...getting caught up on work, headed down to the Denver office in the afternoon, and then having dinner with the old roommates tonight. I may have to beg off on the movie afterward, though. Eight hours of sleep has eluded me for almost a week now, and CW's visit didn't help that cause. So I'm going to try tonight, especially since I have to work the p/t job tomorrow night.

My fun health week continues...I got a nasty eye infection that blew up this morning. It was NOT pretty. Unfortunately, it's a side effect of contact wearing. Sometimes something will get in there and just do a number on me. Haven't had one in a few years, so I guess I was due. Luckily, I've got the cream to kick it out of commission, so I won't have to take a trip to the doctor if it improves, which it has already.

I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm probably going to be single for a while. There is WAY too much going on in other aspects of my life to even think about devoting that much time into working something out. I suppose it sounds presumptuous that I will even find myself in that position, but I'm always on the prowl in one form or another in my mind, so I have to temper that with the reality of my existing situations. Discussions with KM last night only reenforced that (such as the advice about my sex life), so I guess I should heed it for once. My financial issues and my career deserve some more detailed attention at the moment, anyway. And if I say that enough times, I might even believe it...

What I'm Listening To:

First Word That Comes To Mind:

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
