Sick of This...

01/29/2003 - 9:17 AM

Lots to catch up that I'm back to work. Came in for about an hour and a half yesterday, then went home sick again. But did I get much rest? HELL no. The whirling dervish known as CW kept me way too wound up to think about sleeping. Actually got a few things done around the house and a few errands run, but I was too stressed out to even think about sleeping.

Fortunately, one of my stresses was relieved last night. The furnace, which hasn't run in a few days, finally was revived. After a few more attempts at lighting what looked like the pilot, we went door-to-door to see if any of the neighbors would let two strange men into their homes to examine their furnace. Turns out we only had to knock on two doors to find that out. A friendly couple downstairs from me let us in, and the man of the house, who looked like Buckwheat at age 60, showed me the secret compartment to get at the burner. HALLELUJAH! I was pretty freaked out that I would have to call a tech out to fix the furnace, but that won't be necessary at this point. *knock on wood*

CW's visit was pretty interesting. The main motivation for this was an interview with a potential employer, but he also needed some more moral support, as he broke up with his partner of almost 8 years this past weekend. All in all, I think he's going to be fine, but he's going to have a lot of issues with handling being alone for the first time in a LONG time. My big concern is that he'll hop into dating too soon to relieve that loneliness, and it will be disasterous, but he's got to learn that lesson on his own. As for work, he's seriously thinking about moving out here, but it's a coin toss right now between Denver and DC. We'll see what happens.

The one thing that bugged me about the trip was that, despite me being sick, he really coerced me to go out both nights. Having said that, I really had a good time, but the point in this is that he dragged me out when I really should have gotten some sleep. I didn't tell him this, but I think I would have been much better off at work yesterday if I hadn't stayed out late the night before. The sacrifices I make...

Tonight will be a quiet one. Despite my financial situation at the moment, I really feel like I need a massage, so I will go see KM tonight to get that taken care of. Tomorrow night is dinner with the old roommates, and then the next few nights will be working at the p/t job. Busy week...

What I'm Listening To:

First Word That Comes To Mind:

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
