Do You Believe?

01/29/2003 - 9:02 PM

Just got back from a massage and then dinner with KM. Man, he was on point this evening! To give you a little more insight, in his own words, he is "an intuitive and works with energy." Translation: he got the gift, and he's got ta use it! I stumbled across him completely by accident, and have been a devoted customer ever since, and a friend to boot.

KM's clarity tonight was uncanny. He was seeing and feeling and channeling things that I have never seen/heard/felt before, and I was duly impressed. Without any prompting, he began to read CW's whole situation (see last entry), and called it to a T without ever meeting the boy. As for me, he called me out on some pretty personal issues (translation: sex...or the lack thereof). Wow...who knew?

And he kept going at dinner, too. The man was dialed in tonight, and it was a dedicated line with no interruptions and high-speed access. He sees this in me as well, although I don't feel it to the extent he claims. I do think I have intuition, and I think it does get stronger as I get older, but other than that, I don't see or hear guides like he does. I've wondered if they manifest themselves through memories or random thoughts to present themselves in a manner that my mind can more readily understand, but I've never given it a lot of thought. The more I'm around KM, the more I wonder...

What I'm Listening To:

First Word That Comes To Mind:

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
