Here's to New Homes

01/25/2003 - 9:23 AM

This is going to be a quick new bedroom furniture is showing up today, including a new computer armoire. I just took a few pics of my current set-up for historical reference. To put it verbally, it's a series of boxes that I have my computer and monitor set up on. The box the computer came in has the box my humidifier came in on top of it, with the monitor topping the pyramid. In front of that are two milk crates with the box my grill came in, holding up my speakers, mouse and keyboard. Charming, huh? I'm pretty relieved to get big-people furniture finally.

Went up to SB's housewarming, and had a good time, considering he was the only person I knew there. I get the impression that I'm the only friend he has in Denver that he keeps up with on at least a semi-regular basis. I know he feels isolated where he is, since the town is kinda small, and there isn't much of a "gay outlet" there. I know I'm stereotyping, but I find that gay men stuck in smaller towns tend to have to deal with more drama and more hang-ups (my experience in Greensboro proved that one right). I wish I could get him out of there, but he's got a good job, and he's got his daughter there, too.

I constantly find myself drawn to SB...he's such a good guy, but he's got more issues than Time magazine. So I have to keep those feelings in check. I know for a fact that he realizes the issues I deal with, but that doesn't make it any easier. He's constantly apologizing to me for being a screw-up, and thanking me for staying his friend. Makes me uncomfortable, but I understand where he's coming from. If only things were different...

Time to shut down the computer...the new desk will be here soon!

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