Why I Am Tired

01/13/2003 - 11:34 AM

I was on a roll there for a while, but got side-tracked with the meetings we've had in Denver for the past week. Talk about motivational, though. The facilitator, Juan, was just amazing. Really great insight, and truly skilled in running these types of meetings. Plus, we had the ENTIRE company there for two of the days, and that, in itself, was impressive.

Went out Sat night with three of the sales managers, and had a blast. Took them to the local gay leather bar, which becomes a free-for-all dance club on Sat nights, and they had a good time (from what I saw, anyway). I only made it to 1:30, but two of the three went to the after-hours club, and I doubt either of them slept at all before their flights left Sunday morning. Oh well...I still had to be at the gym at 7:30. That was a little painful, but I survived.

(BTW, down to 185. Two pounds to go!)

Toronto trip is in four days, and I'm just counting the minutes. Talked to CW last night, and plans are all firmed up. We're actually staying on the concierge level of the hotel we're going to, so that will be a nice perk. I have a feeling CW's gonna be a ho, but we'll see what happens. He's got a bunch of issues on his plate, so I'm sure I'll get to play counselor, as I usually do. But it's my pleasure with him...1) because he's a good friend, and 2) he's WAY more messed up than I am! ;-)

Date tonight...JD and I have mutual friends, and have chatted online. We'll see how it goes...

I am SOOOOOO tired...note to self: SLEEP!

What I'm Listening To:

First Word That Comes To Mind:

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
