Goodbye to a Mom

01/08/2003 - 8:30 PM

Today was the memorial for TW's mom. It was very basic, in the chapel at the funeral home. No speakers, just a Catholic priest going through the usual readings from Paul and the Gospel, and all the call and response we recovering Catholics begrudgingly can recite at the drop of a dime. The only part that bothered me (surprisingly) was the constant talk about heaven and eternal joy and Christ rising from the dead. That view of death has been slowly leaving my belief system over the past two years, and I don't see it changing any time soon.

A few years ago I began reading Conversations with God, and it has really changed the way I look at spirituality. It's not like the concepts talked about in the book are new to me. Most of the stuff that was discussed I felt like I'd known for a while, but basically suppressed as I followed the party line. Reading that book opened my eyes both literally and figuratively. Maybe I'll talk about it at length at some other point, but right now I need to cut out. But I wanted to share something with you...

I saw his mom there. And the casket was closed. "Saw" is a strong word...let's say I felt her there, and I put a face with the feeling so I could understand it. I've never quite had a feeling like that, but KM told me on Sunday that this was going to start happening, and I guess, as usual, his timing was impeccable.

One last thought...if your mom is still with us, give her a call and tell her you love her, okay?

What I'm Listening To:

First Word That Comes To Mind:

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
