Do I LOOK Like A Terrorist?

01/05/2003 - 9:14 AM

Just got back from the was chest and shoulders. For those of us who have struggled with weight all of our lives, one of the coolest things is when you've got it under control, and a person you haven't seen in a while tells you how terrific you look. Maybe for a split second you think "did I look that bad before?", but you know that's not what they mean. Had lunch with KS yesterday, and that's exactly what he said. He made a comment about multiple chins, but I'm pretty sure he was kidding about that. But the compliment was a genuine one, and holds even more credence with me, since he's in great shape himself.

For the first time in about three months, I met up with JG. Hung out at his place yesterday before the p/t job, and ended up playing. I'll be honest...I knew it was going to happen. I'm not THAT naive. The cool thing about this time is that we talked more, and after we were done, we took a short nap together and just chilled. I know he's got issues, plus the commuting between cities, and I have a feeling he's got someone in the other city, but for the time being, he's cool to hang with.

Work sucked last night. The normal passage of time DOUBLED for the last two hours of the shift, but we did get out at a decent hour. The funniest part of the night was the woman who wanted to order something, but didn't have enough money to order it with her. Without going into too much detail, the building I work in checks bags and purses for potentially dangerous items, which I think is completely justifiable and welcome, considering the past two years. She, on the other hand, feels that "all of us innocent people are paying the price for a few bad ones".

Oh gets better. The retail thing to do is politely acknowledge the customer's complaint about something you have no control over, and then move on. But a guy that kind of works with us was there, and he said he felt things have gotten out of hand as well...THANKS, BROTHER! Moron...she got all excited that someone else agreed with her. I told her I could hold onto the completed order form, and she could pay for it when she came back in on Wednesday. After talking her down from that ledge, I was feeling pretty good, especially since I'm not working on Wednesday. *phew*

So she comes back in at the end of the night, and talks to someone who doesn't know what's going on, and the person she spoke to "made a face" at her when she explained what was going on. After slipping into crisis control one more time and assuring her the order would still be there on Wed, she looked at the manager and I and said, "you should talk to her," and walked off. I did a MUCH better job of keeping a straight face than the manager did...he was stifling laughter almost immediately after she walked away. I made it until she walked out the door.

People like that should not be allowed to have kids. The 13-year-old only wanted a shirt. Now he's got therapy for most of his adult life, if he ever realizes the damage that's been done by his neurotic mother. I wonder if parents shouldn't put money aside for their kids' therapy instead of college. The world would be a much happier place if that was the case.

I've mentioned therapy a few times recently. Maybe next time I'll fill you in on my experience with it...

What I'm Listening To:

First Word That Comes To Mind:

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
