Zoom Zoom Zoom, Meow Meow Meow

01/03/2003 - 10:23 AM

Okay...I'm feeling pretty euphoric at the moment, so please bear with me. Despite the fact that I'll be in debt for the rest of my life, and that I'll probably declare bankruptcy at some point to get the monkey off my back, I BOUGHT A NEW CAR! WOO HOOOO! Nothing like spending a big ol' chunk of someone else's money to snap you out of a funk, eh?

Actually, I'm not a big fan of big-ticket spending. As I sat there, going through the whole negotiation process (I actually got them to come down $1500), my stomach was in knots. I think I covered it up well, though...for once, my poker face was on point. I had limped the car over to the VW dealership, but from the outside, it looked great. The inside looked great, too...God bless Armor-all! Well, it turns out the appraiser never even drove the car. He just said $1000, and I think they were a little surprised when I accepted it. They found out why about an hour later when they took the car to the back. Richard the sales guy came back in and asked me what it took to put it into 1st. I shrugged and said, "you need to jiggle it a little bit". Okay...THAT, and slam your foot down on the gas. Oopsie!

On happiness of a different kind, I got below 190 for the first time in almost 3 years. Ashton thought I was NUTS dancing around the bathroom this morning, but he's a cat, so he's supposed to think I'm nuts if I'm not paying attention to him. As long as I feed him and pay attention to him when HE wants it, then I've fulfilled my destiny in life...in his eyes. So I suppose it's no coincidence that the two cats I had in Atlanta felt the EXACT SAME WAY about me.

I remember the daily ritual of waking up, and being pinned to the mattress, with one of them on each side of me. Spicey wasn't too bad, but Smokey was a heffer (about 15 pounds), so I really couldn't turn over or move around a lot. As soon as they saw me coming to life, it was all over, but it was so sweet. At least they didn't bite at my nose and ear like Ashton does.

Feeding time was always fun, since Smokey would inhale anything that you put in front of him (just like his daddy). Um, on second thought, let's forget I said that. Anyway, I would put food in the dish, and let Spicey eat what he wanted. Once he walked away, then I would put Smokey down so he could eat, too. Cats are just like humans...they put on weight MUCH faster than they lose it. It took a few months, but I got him down to the size of a shed instead of a house. I think my ex had just filled up the gravity feeder and let the boy have at it. Go figure...even living creatures were an afterthought if they didn't fit in with his life.

Speaking of my ex, the whole weight loss thing reminded me of the last time I was down below 190. If you're REALLY good, I'll share that one next time. Cya!

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