The Dean Cain Theory

12/29/2002 - 9:04 PM

A short preface...sorry for the lapse in writing. For some reason, I just didn't feel like it. Maybe that corresponded with my not feeling like staying on the diet to prepare for Key West. Whatever. Just know that life has gone on, and that I feel like writing again. ;-)

Just to give some background, I will tell you that I do not have a degree in anything resembling psychology, psychiatry, counseling, or any medical practice that helps people analyze other people. Having said that, I will tell you that the words to follow will revolutionize the way that people interact with each other from this day forth. True story...and stop snickering in the back, okay?

Here goes...I call this "the Dean Cain theory." Didn't know that Dean dabbled in interpersonal communication, didja? Well, he doesn't. At this point, we will refer to Dean as the "subject" of this theory. Now, the "subject", for all intents and purposes, is the most desirable man on the face of the Earth. Having made this assumption, you admire this person from afar (since he's famous and you're not, even though you're not bitter), and the attraction grows. By chance, you actually get to meet the subject, and when he starts interacting with you via conversation, eye contact, body language, etc., you suddenly find him less and less attractive, until the person is no longer attractive to you. This, my friends, is "the Dean Cain theory."

I'm sure you're wondering what brought this on. Well, I had a date on Thursday with someone that I've talked with A LOT, both online and on the phone. Despite my past history, I really had my hopes up that this would be a great date. Unfortunately, from the moment I walked in the door of his house, the Dean Cain theory kicked in, and the night just went slower and slower. By the end of the night, I had completely shut down, and I think he knew this, although I tried to keep a little conversation going so that he wouldn't be too upset.

I will catch y'all up on more tomorrow...time for me to finally get some sleep, since I didn't get much last night after a night on the town. Cya!

What I'm Listening To:

First Word That Comes To Mind:

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
