Extra Credit

12/12/2002 - 2:14PM

Date with JF went very well last night. If you're looking for a way to impress someone who you're going out with, creativity and paying attention to what's going on in their life are two very important "bonus round" ways of getting points. For example, I've been back on the Atkins Diet the past month, in preparation for my trip to Key West or London, and JF actually went to the website and printed out recipes from there, and then surprised me with a home-cooked meal, instead of eating out, as I had expected. Not a fancy meal, but I'm not a fancy guy, either. He got creativity AND paying attention AT THE SAME TIME. And the movie portion of the date was a trip to the local IMAX theater...MAJOR points, once again.

In between those two activities, he confessed to me (I KNEW IT) that he has seen a guy who lives in Kansas a few times, and he's trying to reconcile that whole situation. Hmmm...honesty? There's another bell-ringer. He even asked me if I wanted to go to the movie still, knowing this. The evening wound down with the two of us sitting on his couch, staring at his fishtank while chatting, with all the lights out except the tank and his small xmas tree. HOW COOL IS THAT?

Okay...the evening might have lasted a little longer than the fishtank, but you get the drift. Just a little bit of thought went into that, and now I've got some work to do for our next date. Actually, I think this was in response to taking him to see the Boston Pops, but this could also be the way he normally operates. If that's the case, and he resolves this Kansas thing, there's definite potential here.

Oh, and my lunch date had to bail...busy day at work. Go figure.

So have you ever had one of those days where one quirky thing put you in a completely amazing mood? That's what is going on with me today, and I owe it all to...my HAIR! Yeah, yeah, yeah...how queer can this boy be? Good question...I haven't pulled out my copy of the Original Cast of Dreamgirls on CD in a long time, so we're not even gonna go there. I was washing my hands this morning, and I looked in the mirror and thought, "damn, my hair NEVER looks this good!"

To give you some perspective, between male pattern baldness, naturally curly hair, and a good portion of gray coming in on the sides, my hair is not for the faint of heart. So when I can get it to look like I just left the barber shop (I go to a very EXPENSIVE barber), it's a red letter day. My self-esteem jumped about 10 spots up the chart (with a bullet!), and now I'm top-5, baby! Once I lose that last 7 pounds (190 and dropping), I'm BUTTAH! Yeah, I'm a little freaky right now, but if you haven't figured that one out already, then read the last five entries, and you'll be nodding in agreement.

So, to celebrate my good hair, I'm gonna go out tonight and do some TWO-STEPPING! You heard me...two-stepping. No, that's not a typo. One of my favorite pasttimes in two-stepping in a gay country bar. The one here in Denver is called Charlie's (part of a gay country bar CHAIN), and is also the reason I don't do it much anymore. The bar is an okay bar, but there is so much smoke in that place that SMOKERS would complain. Seriously...their idea of ventilation is the door opening and closing as people walk in and out. Not exactly high-tech. But I will brave it about once a month, simply to spin around the floor to a good country song. I'll tell you my country music store someday..."How Country Music Changed My Life!" Bwahahahaha...

Did I ramble enough...yeah, sure looks like it! Catch ya later...

What I'm Listening To:

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